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May Sunday

Over 4,000 people evacuated due to heavy rains in western Cuban province

MATANZAS, Cuba, Jun 7 (ACN) More than 4,800 citizens have been evacuated in the province of Matanzas, with the priority of protecting human lives in a territory with saturated soils due to constant rains, reports of floods and reservoirs with high flow.

Weather stations located in the municipalities of Jovellanos and Union de Reyes, in this western territory, registered 275.6 and 156.9 millimeters (mm) of rainfall, respectively, during the last 24 hours.

The authorities remain alert, in permanent contact with the specialists of Hydraulic Resources, and that all the required measures are taken to protect the population in the first place.

According to a report from the Provincial Meteorological Center, in the last 24 hours, the rains became numerous and continuous in most of the province, associated with a very humid southerly flow coming from the Caribbean Sea in interaction with a trough extended over the forecast area.

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