Talk: Visual processing underlying natural behaviour - From single photons to pattern recognition

Monday, 17. October 2022
10:00 - 11:30

M 628

Dept. of Biology

Anna Stöckl (Research Fellow / Biology)


Vision provides a vital gateway to the world for a large diversity of animals. How visual information is acquired and integrated to guide natural behaviour reveals fundamental strategies of neural processing, and is instrumental to understand the animals’ interaction with their natural environments. We study visual processing in a versatile insect model - diurnal and nocturnal hawkmoths - on several levels of visual complexity: variations in ambient light intensity, the spatiotemporal composition of scenes experienced in flight, and the ability to use and recognise patterns in the context of flower foraging. In this talk I will highlight selected results, demonstrating how seeing the world through the eyes of hawkmoths reveals unique and fundamental strategies of visual processing, from the challenges of detecting single photons at night to patterns on flowers.