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Funding and Scholarships - Study in Bavaria

German Version

Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Your contact person:
Ms Katrin Döppe

E-Mail: doeppe{at}bayhost.de
Tel: +49 941 943-5049
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Study in Bavaria

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Scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria for graduates of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European states

One-year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria for graduates of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European states for the funding year 2025/26

NB: The selection process for the funding year 2025/26 is still ongoing. All applicants will be informed of the results by email in May 2025.
The call for applications for the funding year 2026/27 is expected to be published in summer 2025.

For the the academic year 2025/26, the Free State of Bavaria will once again be awarding one-year scholarships to graduates (with appropriate citizenship) from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The scholarship is intended to finance postgraduate studies (i.e. Master's programs), PhDs or one-year research stays at a state or state-funded higher education institution in Bavaria. The one-year scholarship can generally be extended twice for up to 3 years. The scholarship is paid out monthly €992 and amounts to €11.904 per year from October 1, 2024. Students with at least one child receive €1.152 per month, which amounts to €13.824 per year.

The one-year scholarship program promotes academic exchange and scientific cooperation between Bavaria and Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

Please note the following advice regarding the application process:



Complete application documents must be submitted to BAYHOST by the deadline using the online form. This is a closing date. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applicants with the Czech citizenship please contact the Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur l Česko-bavorská vysokoškolská agentura.  

Our program flyer in English and German.

Reports of former scholarship holders can be found here.

Information, dates and addresses for studying in Bavaria via this link. Further useful information for (future) PhD students are available via the website "Research in Bavaria".

Supported by


Funding and Scholarships - Study in Bavaria

German Version

Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Your contact person:
Ms Katrin Döppe

E-Mail: doeppe{at}bayhost.de
Tel: +49 941 943-5049
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