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June Sunday

Heavy rains kill six people in eastern Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 13 (ACN) Six people died in Cuba as a result of heavy rainfall in recent days in the eastern region, it was reported in the recovery check-up, headed by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel.

According to the Cuban Presidency, in the meeting, held on Monday by videoconference with the main political and governmental authorities of the affected provinces (Camagüey, Las Tunas, Granma, Holguin and Santiago de Cuba), it was reported that the heavy rains also caused considerable material damages.

Diaz-Canel indicated to make an important effort in housing, although the number of affected people is not high, and to maintain at the same time the priority to the provinces damaged by Hurricane Ian, such as Pinar del Rio.

He asked the Ministry of Economy and Planning for a balance of resources, and to evaluate with the national industry, such as the Dujo furniture company and others that can produce, in spite of the limitations; and to do the same with the private sector.

He also asked to make a fundamental effort in the sowing of different crops and sugar cane, taking advantage of the humidity conditions left by the event.

The president ordered the construction and transportation authorities to carry out a survey and look for solutions to respond to the enormous damage to roads and railways, using all variants and technologies.

Diaz-Canel commented that there were places where the flooding reached levels that had not been seen in the last 30 years and even in many places the inhabitants say that it is the first time that the water has reached such heights, especially after an extreme drought.

Incidentally, he indicated that one of the immediate tasks after the recovery stage is to study everything that happened and to update the disaster reduction plans for this type of intense rainfall. It was also reported that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has already expressed its willingness to support the recovery, as well as the United Nations system of organizations based in the country.

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